Kids and allergies

Friday, 8 June 2012

Thank you for all your help. xo

I am working on this blog everyday. There are days when I am researching topics to write about. There are days when I am working on an article. Then there is the day I do my finishes touches and post my article. Regardless, this blog is currently something that I am trying to make bigger and better.

I am always talking about the topics that I post. Every single day there is not a moment I am not doing something to help my children. Weather its is taking care of them, cooking for them or nurturing.

My husband noticed that I have gone a long way in preparing foods for my children that are safe and nutritious. He has seen me on my down days, the days when I feel like I have exhausted all avenues. The days when I feel like I am cooking the same foods again and again. Sometimes I just feel like I am not doing enough to help my little Munchkin. On the bright side, my husband has given me praise (which doesn’t come around that often). He voiced his appreciation of all my efforts. He has assured me that I have gone far and beyond to do the very best for our children. He has told me that I do a wonderful job.

It was his suggestion for me to go ahead and work on writing my own cookbook. A cookbook that will help other mothers and families prepare dishes that will be safe and suitable for the whole family. I must admit it hasn’t been easy. There have been many brilliant recipes but also many dishes that fall under the category of “please don’t make this ever again”. He has seen it’s not easy. We both hope that we can help other families by providing good kitchen basics for families with food allergies and by telling our story.

This is basically where the whole concept of me blogging begins. I share my stories, my thoughts and my recipes.

None of this could have been possible without a lot of support and assistance.

Here I begin to say a big, big, big thank you to the following people who have provided me with the stepping-stones to bring me to this stage.

Thank you to my husband, who has motivated me to do something positive. Who is also one of my food critics. And who is always helping me remember everything I need to remember. (I am so forgetful) Lastly, thank you for making it all possible with purchasing me a mac book.

Adrian & Marc with my little munchkin

Thank you to my cousins Marc and Adrian, who basically helped me with the whole IT side of things (I am not very good with computers).  And answer every other question I throw at them relating to this blog.

Thank you to my mother and mother in law who both offer me all the support, assistance and love possible.

Thank you to all my family and friends who are supporting me with this journey.

Most of all, thank you to my two little munchkins who make ever day worth living. They are my biggest gift of all. I promise to do my very best to love and protect you.

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