Kids and allergies

Monday, 4 June 2012

What is anaphylaxis?

What is

Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening.
It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment and urgent medical attention.

Anaphylaxis is a generalised allergic reaction, which often involves more than one body system (e.g. skin, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular). A severe allergic reaction usually occurs within 20 minutes of exposure to the trigger and can rapidly become life threatening.

What causes anaphylaxis?
Common triggers of anaphylaxis include:

Milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy are the most common food triggers, which cause 90% of allergic reactions, however, any food can trigger anaphylaxis. It is important to understand that even small amounts of food can cause a life-threatening reaction.

Bee, wasp and ant stings are the most common causes of anaphylaxis to insect stings. Ticks and fire ants also cause anaphylaxis in susceptible individuals.

Medications, both over the counter and prescribed, can cause life threatening allergic reactions. Individuals can also have anaphylactic reactions to herbal or ‘alternative’ medicines.

Other triggers such as latex or exercise induced anaphylaxis are less common and occasionally the trigger cannot be identified despite extensive investigation.

signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis usually occur within the first 20 minutes to 2 hours after exposure. Rapid onset and development of potentially life threatening symptoms are characteristic markers of anaphylaxis.
Allergic symptoms may initially appear mild or moderate but can progress rapidly. The most severe allergic reactions involve the respiratory system (breathing) and/or cardiovascular system (heart and blood pressure).
Permission is granted to make copies of this document for educational and awareness raising purposes only. Last updated Jun 2011
Registered No Y2328723 ABN 70 693 242 620
AAI© 2011

A charity committed to helping keep those with severe allergy safe


What is
common symptoms

Mild to moderate allergic reaction
Tingling of the mouth
Hives, welts or body redness
Swelling of the face, lips, eyes
Vomiting, abdominal pain

Severe allergic reaction- ANAPHYLAXIS Difficult/noisy breathing
Swelling of the tongue
Swelling or tightness in the throat
Difficulty talking or hoarse voice
Wheeze or persistent cough
Persistent dizziness or collapse
Pale and floppy (young children)

A person who is suspected of having a food allergy should obtain a referral to see an allergy specialist for correct diagnosis, advice on preventative management and emergency treatment. Those diagnosed with severe food or insect allergy must carry emergency medication as prescribed as well as an Action Plan for Anaphylaxis signed by their doctor. Food allergic children who have a history of eczema and/or asthma are at higher risk of severe allergic reactions. Administration of adrenaline is first line treatment of anaphylaxis.

Management & treatment
Anaphylaxis is a preventable and treatable event. Knowing the triggers is the first step in prevention. Children and caregivers need to be educated on how to avoid food allergens and/or other triggers.
However, because accidental exposure is a reality, children and caregivers need to be able to recognise symptoms of an anaphylaxis and be prepared to administer adrenaline according to the individual’s Action Plan for Anaphylaxis.

Research shows that fatalities more often occur away from home and are associated with either not using or a delay in the use of adrenaline.
In Australia, adrenaline can be purchased on the PBS in the form of autoinjectors known as the EpiPen® and Anapen®. More information on prescription is available through ASCIA

The adrenaline autoinjectors are intramuscular injections that contain a single, pre-measured dose of adrenaline that is given for the emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions. The devices are for use by lay people and is available in two doses, epipen® or EpiPen® Jr and Anapen® or Anapen® Jr.

Please consult your doctor for more information on allergic reactions, accurate diagnosis and management strategies.
Registered No Y2328723 ABN 70 693 242 620
AAI© 2011
A charity committed to helping keep those with severe allergy safe


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